One of the most important parts – and most often overlooked – of any project is the planning that goes into making it a success. With the right partner, expertise and experience you can choose a path that’s right for your business (right now). Partnering with HL Infotech allows you to avoid all kinds of issues, expenses, and headaches that only those Digital Agencies with a holistic approach can assist with.

What Does Web & Internet Marketing Consulting Look Like?
Consulting is a part of every project no matter how large or small here at HL Infotech. Typically, consulting starts day 1 – moment 0, with your first inquiry or phone call. Behind the scenes our new client representatives are putting years of experience in web design and digital marketing – into preliminary research as that initial phone call is made or meeting scheduled.
Preliminary consulting continues throughout the getting-to-know you phases as we listen to your exact needs and assist in determining a direction that are put into each of our customized proposals and presented back to you.
In addition to this preliminary consulting that goes into every project Site2host does also offer consulting either individually or as a part of a larger plan/project. Details below:

Large-Scale Website Project Scoping
For larger-scale sites HL Infotech offers project scoping. A project scope is detailed documentation on your website, how it will look, function, any additional programming or technical requirements. For larger websites – websites with 50+ pages, websites with any kind of additional functionality (IE the website takes in data and stores it) a project scope – and accompanying consulting are absolutely vital.
We’ve been developing large-scale website project scopes for over a decade and can develop a website plan that you can take out to bid to other developers, agencies in your area, and scopes that can help you secure funding from financial institutions and other locations.
Web Application Project Scoping
Web applications are software tools, online. With the cloud “revolution” many entrepreneurs have shifted there thinking of solving problems in the real world – to using the web and software to build tools that solve problems online.
HL Infotech has built large-scale applications for industries like Government, Construction, Retail, Non-Profit, and Education and we know that one of the most important parts of any web application’s success is planning, consulting and project scoping.
With HL Infotech background in both web design, internet marketing, and development – we can help steer your company and decision making to ensure your project is a software, online, and financial success. Similar to large-scale website project scoping, we work initially to create a scope for the project including details on how your future application will work, the data it will store, the security required, and other important details. You can then put this scope out to bid or use Atilus’ in-house design and development team to begin executing your vision.
Digital Marketing Plans
A part of many of our client relationships is a digital marketing plan. Our digital marketing plan is a road map for what your company will be doing in the next year to market your business online. This includes a digital editorial calendar for your social media accounts and blog (vital for traffic) as well as ad spend allocations and other buckets for our overall digital marketing recommendations. Each digital marketing plan we create is executed after extensive meetings with you and your core marketing team so that we ensure you’re on message and we deliver results.
Misc. Digital Consulting
Many times we get asked to simply help with a scenario that a new client is going through. Not all of those that need assistance will become hosting or web design clients, but perhaps you have a code question, need a second opinion on a digital, marketing, or other issue they’re dealing with in relation to a 3rd party. As simple as it sounds, we’ve found that being a company that anyone can call on for advice or assistance with a web design or digital marketing need has been helpful for our clients. Often-times in just an hour on the phone or research we can help you navigate an issue that’s been taking weeks of research and provide clarity when things seem complex.